Genre : Indie/Rock/Crunk
The brothers Tapes banded together in the winter of 2003 in Northfield, MN, US at Carleton College.
After a year spent honing their musical stylings, the collective developed a sound that Splendid calls “a hybrid that resembles Low fighting it out with My Bloody Valentine...eclectic, style-defying stuff.” Tapes ‘N Tapes unleashed their self-recorded, selfreleased EP in 2004, on unsuspecting music lovers far and wide.
The Minneapolis Star Tribune said "these recordings are homemade dementia stuff, really.” Armed with more hits than a heavyweight fight, the brothers hit the road to spread their message of goodwill from coast to coast, playing shows with the likes of The Futureheads, The Streets, Metric, Calvin Johnson, and I Am the World Trade Center, just to name a few. They also put on a great show at Chicago's music festival, Lollapalooza, this past summer. They blew the crowd away, made a name for themselves, and gained a bunch of fans who will find it hard to forget the show. After some moves and shakes, the family has adopted a new brother and expanded their brood to four.
Now Tapes ‘N Tapes bring you their long play record debut, The Loon, which The Onion A.V. Club touts as “one of the best locally produced discs of the year.” The Loon was recorded at Darren Jackson’s (Kid Dakota, The Hopefuls) Short Man Studios in June 2005 with Erik Appelwick (Vicious Vicious, The Hopefuls). Appelwick worked overtime; recording, mixing and producing the album.
1. Le Ruse
2. Time of Songs
3. Hang Them All
4. Headshock
5. Conquest
6. Say Back Something
7. Demon Apple
8. Blunt
9. George Michael
10. Anvil
11. Lines
12. The Dirty Dirty
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